Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Feingold Undecided on Health Care Bill by Deloras Vind

We, the people, still have a voice on the Senate Health Care Bill and Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold is [surprisingly] a key vote in the measure. According to The Hill Senator Russ Feingold "has not made a final decision on the bill and is waiting for the Congressional Budget Office score." The article in The Hill goes on to say that "away from the Senate chamber, prominent liberals were angry." Senator Russ Feingold is certainly a prominent liberal! This Health Care bill still has a chance to be defeated! We need to make our voices heard! Tell it everywhere!! Call Senator Feingold and tell him to listen to the American people and his Wisconsin constituents and vote NO to Obamacare! Kill the Bill!

Washington Office (202) 224-5323
LaCrosse Phone (608) 782-5585

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Palin at Mall of America by Diane Reid

Deloras Vind, and myself, Diane Reid, of the Republican Party of Trempealeau County, arrived at the Mall of America for the Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue" book signing at 4:30 am. We were in line outside the Mall by 5:00 am. We were approximately number 520 and 521. We thankfully got into the warmth of the Mall shorty after 6 o'clock and finally got wristbands after 7 o'clock.

Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, were all smiles, ebullient, charming and happy to see every face that came by the table. Lots of people were equally bubbly and looked thrilled to meet them. Up close, Gov. Palin exudes a radiant grace! No other way to describe it. She and Todd looked refreshed. She is better looking in person and I didn't think it was possible. She glowed, she was friendly and engaging to each person and laughed a lot with each person.
I got my book signed by 1:00 pm. The crowd was friendly, polite and enthusiastic for the opportunity. I must give a special thanks to the Mall of America staff for the way they organized this event. Logistics were smooth all around. They even handed out free bottled water around 9:00 am when most people were in line, waiting. They handed out the water and then came back with trash bags to collect the trash. The whole MOA staff were courteous, ready to answer any question and they all had smiles on their faces, even the security staff. I had no idea that some jerk threw tomatoes during the event. I did not see it happen. I am glad I went and had a great time!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Obama pardons turkey. . . .
All 2,012 of them!
Each turkey will also receive legal representation from
Cass Sunstein,
President Obama's Regulatory Czar.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kill the Bill

Saturday evening, the Senate voted to allow the debate and ammending process to begin on the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." The vote was 60-39 in favor, with all Democrats and Independents (including Joe Lieberman) supporting and all Republicans opposing the vote for cloture. It is now up to us to stop this bill from passing! Rasmussen reports that just 38% of Americans support the Health Care Plan proposed by President Obama and Congressional Democrats, the lowest level of support to date.

The 2074 page Health Care Reform Bill:

Contact WI Senators:
Senator Herb Kohl
(202) 224-5653

Senator Russ Feingold
(202) 224-5323

Contact all the Senators you can, especially those on the fence:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lindsey Graham questions Eric Holder

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is a Senator I disagree with often. However, this time he is right on target. Lindsey Graham's background includes being a member of the United States Air Force, where he served as Judge Advocate during the Gulf War. His job was to debrief pilots on the laws of war. Lindsey Graham thoroughly understands the topic. The questions he put to Attorney General Eric Holder are alarming, but of very real possibility! By trying accused terrorists in criminal court rather than military tribunals would they require a reading of miranda rights? If said rights were not given, would they go free on a technicality? Do they have the right to remain silent, where members of our military cannot interrogate them for vital information? If they choose to represent themselves, will all the secret information and evidence be available for the suspected terrorists to review? What happens if they are found innocent by a jury (as in the case of OJ Simpson) or there is a procedural error (as in the case of Bill Ayers)? President Barack Obama has already accused the US military of torture, will this be used in their own defense? There are so many questions, and so many fears, but very few answers offered by Eric Holder or the Obama Administration. My main question is, why are accused terrorists being considered to receive Constitutional rights and civil liberties while Patriotic American Citizens are being asked to give up theirs? Furthermore, just how does this make Americans safer?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sarah Palin: "Wisconsin has gone Rogue"

Sarah Palin's much anticipated book, "Going Rogue: An American Life," just launched today and is already a best-seller. I had the honor to see and hear Sarah Palin in person earlier this month. She spoke at a fundraiser for the Wisconsin Right to Life and drew close to 5,000 people by some estimates, in the largest pro-life event in Wisconsin's history. I feel I must mention that because of the nature of the event, that being a fundraiser, the Wisconsin Right to Life chose to close her speech to the press; it was not a request made by Sarah herself as was widely reported. Leading up to the main attraction, there was a lot of anticipation in the air and when Sarah entered the room it was electric and exciting! Sarah herself was down to earth and personable, but her message was weighty and forthright. She began her speech by referencing the new dollar coins where "In God We Trust" is written along the outside of the coin rather than on the face of it, a metaphor for how traditional American values are being pushed out to the fringe. Of this she asked, "Who makes these decisions for us anyway?" Sarah is unapologetically and positively pro-life. She declared being pro-life is "intellectually honest and philosophically pure." With respect to her baby Trig being born with Downs Syndrome and her own daughter going through a teenage pregnancy, she believes "God has asked me to walk-the-walk and not just talk-the-talk." I was amazed at her ability to turn two very trying events into a positive learning experience and opportunity to set example. In regards to Wisconsin specifically, Sarah stated, "There is something special going on in Wisconsin," due to growing support for the sanctity of life and the decline in the number of abortions year after year in this state. She added that according to a recent Gallup Poll, "The majority of all Americans now identify themselves as pro-life as well. . . Thank God!" Sarah ensured us that our "efforts are paying off" and that it is "amazing that all the pro-life legislation passed in Wisconsin have never been overturned by a Court of Laws." Finally, she exclaimed that "Wisconsin has gone rogue!" and identified the Wisconsin Right to Life as one of the models that should be used for "grassroots reaction to a Supreme Court decision." She finished by coming back to that idea of the new dollar coin and told us not to allow ourselves to be "pushed out to the edge." Instead she encourages us to push back, become involved, and make our voices heard. That is exactly what I intend to do. Won't you join me?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

WISCONSIN: The "Big Ten"

This morning as I logged into my Yahoo homepage, I immediately noticed the headline, "The Ten Most Cash Strapped States." Without even clicking on the link, I knew Wisconsin had made the list. The "good" news I suppose is that we were at the very bottom of the list at #10! Ten out of fifty, I reminded myself, is not so good however. The really good news is that we will soon have a new Governor, and one can hope, a fiscally responsible Republican Governor!! According to the Pew Center findings, Wisconsin made the list because of its long history of budget shortfalls (currently 23.2%) and a pattern of borrowing to cover operating expenses, making the state poorly positioned to withstand the recent economic downturn. In addition, Wisconsin is heavily dependent on manufacturing. Yet various actions have been taken to actually make Wisconsin less business friendly. Wisconsin jobs and job creators have been exiting the state at an increasing rate. As the economy sputters, so does the manufacturing sector and with that, unemployment surges in the state. Also, Wisconsin's high taxes will make for a slow recovery. If you live in Wisconsin, I am sure none of this comes as a surprise to you. As the Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman Reince Priebus states, “Wisconsin taxpayers aren’t shocked by this ranking because they’ve seen their taxes climb due to Doyle’s spending increases. Doyle has left our state with a fiscal disaster to clean up, but sadly the taxpayers will be the ones left on the hook for the reckless spending that got us into this mess.” Indeed. While other states were making cuts, lowering taxes, and balancing the budget, Governor Doyle increased state spending by 3.6%. Reince Priebus continued, adding, “Republicans know that to get Wisconsin out of this mess we’ve got to create good paying jobs that contribute to our state’s financial stability." Let's hope the rest of Wisconsinites know this too, and elect a Republican Governor in 2010 to get us headed in the right direction!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanks to all those who served in the Armed Forces. Thank You to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corp Veterans. The National Guard, Coast Guard, Reservists, and all uniform personnel whose job is to protect and serve this country and its people. God Bless.

"You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One's country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you." ~ Ronald Reagan, 6/6/84

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tiptoeing thru Terrorism

On Thursday, November 5, 2009, the United States Military Base of Fort Hood, Texas was attacked. The lone gunman was Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a self-professed anti-war Muslim. He opened fire on unarmed soldiers, leaving over 30 injured and 13 dead. The attack was ended when Fort Hood Civilian Police Officer, Kimberly Munley shot Hasan four times, despite being shot herself.

This attack was a frightening wake up call for many Americans. Most people immediately questioned the possible implications of a Muslim American Soldier attacking his own US Military Base. Was this homegrown terror? How could someone like this become a ranking member of the US military? Is there a terror network working on the inside? With so many questions, Americans tuned into the television, searching for answers, only to discover a timid and cautious news media concerned more with political correctness than straightforward reporting. The Internet was a much more reliable source of the information people sought. The news media seemed reluctant to even release the shooter's name, much less confirm his Muslim religion. Martha Radaatz of ABC news stated on air, "I wish his name was Smith" while CBS and NBC failed to note his Muslim religion altogether. Anchors, like Chris Matthews of MSNBC, cautioned the public not to "jump to conclusions" based on the man's ethnicity and religion. Even when it was reported that Hasan shouted, "Allahu Akbar" (or 'God is Great" in Arabic), the common cry of suicide bombers and terrorists, the media failed to point the blame fully at him or explore the possible implications of his battle cry. It didn't take long before the shooter himself actually became the victim through the eyes of the media. Hasan was stressed from his work as a military psychologist. He was depressed from listening to horrible stories of the troops returning home from war. He was teased and ridiculed by his fellow military for being Arabic and Muslim. Can you believe, the same soldiers who were attacked actually assumed blame!?! Never mind that Hasan had Internet postings sympathizing with suicide bombers, "To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause," nor that he was quoted as saying, "Muslims should stand up and fight their aggressor."

After receiving a lecture on diversity and a scolding for profiling by the liberal media, it was refreshing to listen to Conservative talk radio and read the blogs the next day to find people calling the act exactly what it was, Terrorism. So there were people who reacted as I did after all! Laura Ingraham stated without hesitation, "This was the first terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11." Finally, the truth, or at least an open dialogue of that scary possibility. Senator Joe Lieberman, too, called the Fort Hood massacre, "a terrorist act" and Hasan himself, an "Islamic Extremist." Joe Lieberman (I) chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee and has pledged to initiate a formal investigation into the attack to find any warning signs the army should have recognized. I will be interested to see, just how much this investigation exposes, both about Hasan himself and the possibility of more like him, and just what the military has to endure in regards to political correctness, sensitivity, and diversity. As much as the liberal media wants to deny it, Islamic Extremism is real. There are people who hate us and want to kill us, solely for being American. We have a true enemy and our war efforts are warranted. However, one must first admit there is a problem before one can begin to solve the problem. Thankfully, Joe Lieberman, talk radio, and bloggers immediately identified the problem. The old media is, predictably, still in denial though, offering little hope they are about to change.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

County Board Update - November 6, 2009 – by Deloras Vind

It's budget time at the county board. We have a $900,000 shortfall! This is due to a variety of factors:
-$200,000 Managed Care Organization expense
-$280,000 shortfall in Unified Board/Human Services
-12% increase in health insurance rates for employees, a $287,700 increase
-3% wage increase for county employees
-$65,000 decrease in sales tax income
-decrease in new construction
-decrease in state revenue sharing of 2% or $26,723
-decrease in the fund balance sheet
-decrease in revenues from fees etc. in various county department
-decrease in state aids
-The need to balance the budget at county level and keep a healthy general fund


The Executive/Finance committee has been working to keep the tax levy to 1.44% increase which is the rate of new growth in the county. They see large budget shortfalls looming for several years in the future. They are recommending the board cut about eleven county employee positions. Human Services will absorb Senior Services and the Health Department to increase efficiency, not cut programs to Trempealeau County residents. This is a difficult and unpopular decision the Executive/Finance members have made. The County Board will vote November 10th.

It has to be mentioned that our Assembly Representative Chris Danou and State Senator Kathleen Vinehout voted to decrease state funding to the county by 2%, plus decrease funding to various departments such as Human Services. They stuck the county with their problems. Yet they voted to increase the over all state budget spending leaving a $2.3 billion deficit for the state. Plus they voted for a property tax increase of $1.5 billion. The county employee health insurance is through the state of Wisconsin , which raised the insurance rates for the county employee’s cadillac health insurance this year by 12% (last year it was an 8% increase) or $287,700 - this amount equals the maximum amount the county can raise the budget! By-the-way, one health insurance perk for county employees is they pay no deductibles. The 3% wage increase for county employees is due to a three year contract of 3% increase per year the county board approved with the union and employees in 2008 (mine was the lone NO vote).

I agree with the Finance/Executive committee recommendations. We need a smaller more efficient county government. The third largest employer in Trempealeau County is the County! It can be done, but as in all politics the tax payer must hold elected officials accountable.

The 2010 Budget hearing is November 10, 2009 at 10AM. Contact information for the County Board is at click on “ County Board ” on the left hand side of the screen.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Politics as Usual

This should be an exciting campaign season for the GOP. There is renewed energy in the Conservative movement and renewed interest in our founding documents and the first principles. I myself joined the local party after the recent election loss in 2008. I looked at the loss not as defeat but as opportunity to regain control of the Republican brand. However, I am finding it is a much more daunting task than I had imagined. It seems with all the cries of protest at Tea Parties and Town Halls, our voices are still not being heard. . . even by our own party! The best example of this is the special election for New York's 23rd Congressional District set to occur on November 3rd. Currently it is a 3-way race between Bill Owens (D), Dede Scozzafava (R), and Doug Hoffman (C). What does that "C" designate you ask? Conservative! Apparently even the "R" no longer guarantees that anymore! Conservative Doug Hoffman entered the race late after growing dissent with the Republican Party's choice of the moderate to liberal Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava. Hand-picked by the Republican establishment, Scozzafava has increased taxes, is pro-choice, pro-card check, and union supported. She has received endorsements from moderate Republicans such as Newt Gingerich, while Doug Hoffman, the Conservative candidate received endorsements of true Republicans and true Conservatives, the likes of Governor Sarah Palin, radio talk show host and Constitutional Lawyer Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Conservative Columnist Michelle Malkin, and social conservative and American Values president Gary Bauer, to literally name just a few. This example of the old Republican establishment at odds with the new Conservative movement may be taking place in New York, but there are campaigns like this all across the country, including Wisconsin and including our very district. As we fight to find Conservative candidates we believe in at the local level, the party simply hand-picks candidates they feel have sufficient name recognition or financial backing. This is hardly the democratic process our founders envisioned and we need to wake up, pay attention, and make our voices heard! If we don't, we will be forced to once again hold our noses in the voting booth and sheepishly defend our "Republican" candidate. Worst of all, we will miss out on the biggest opportunity to take back our party. The only question that remains is, does our party want us back?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bum Rush

Last week, Conservative Radio Talk Show Host, Rush Limbaugh was dropped from a group that was looking to buy the St. Louis Rams NFL franchise. Rush was to be a limited partner but was cut out from the group entirely after pressure from the NFL Player's Union and threats of protest from the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. This blatant blacklisting, solely due to personal beliefs, ought to give every American regardless of political affiliation, cause for concern. The fact that a law-abiding American citizen with the necessary means and financial backing was not allowed to purchase something for sale because of his political beliefs is outrageous and frankly, not the America I know. Is this not a free market? Are we not capitalists? Are we not tolerant of individual freedoms and personal expression? There in lies the double-standard. What would have happened if the controversial and liberal hip-hop star Kanye West was denied the right to purchase a football team due to his outrageous comments? We would hear cries of racism with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leading the way. Or, how about NBA Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban? He financially backed an anti-american "9-11 Truther" movie. Is that not controversial? Finally, why is the left-wing political hack and MSNBC host, Keith Obermann allowed to be the frontman for NBC's NFL Football Night in America while the right-wing Rush is not allowed to own a team? Since when is it appropriate and acceptable to judge someone for their political affiliation? This stunt was nothing more than a desperate move to keep Conservatism out of mainstream America. Afterall, what is more American and mainstream than NFL Football? The irony is, with this transparent attempt to keep Rush out of the mainstream, even more attention was given to him and the Conservative movement. The refusal and lies told about him only creates more unity. Conservatives will rally around Rush!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Not my Kind

As I am certain you know by now, Congressman Ron Kind is NOT running for Governor. Before you break out the confetti, realize that he will instead be running for re-election as the Representative of the 3rd District in the US Congress, including Trempealeau County. So while he is guaranteed not to be governing our great state, he could very well be representing you and me, again, for yet another term. However, I ask you, would he be representing us? Has he been representing us, the citizens of Trempealeau County? His statement about his decision not to run for Governor was as follows, "My first responsibility must be to get affordable and accessible health care reform passed this year for all Wisconsin families. That is why I cannot run for governor. I have a responsibility and duty to the people of Wisconsin to continue work on the health care reform agenda ahead of us," Kind said. Apparently he has not done much listening at his listening sessions (held in the smallest rural towns he could find in his District) nor has he paid much attention to the polls which indicate that nearly 85% of Americans are satisfied with their current health care. I attended one of his public forums in Whitehall and I got the feeling these "listening sessions" were supposed to be us listening to him, not he to his constituents. I was less surprised by his announcement not to run, than I was by the platform he has chosen to run on. . . . Health Care Reform! Is he that out of touch or is he that indebted to the liberals in Congress, like Nancy Pelosi? Kind is not a leader, he is not a power-player, and he is not a strong or persuasive voice in Congress. Yet, he is our voice. Do you feel as though you are being heard? No, instead, Kind is simply status quo, a yes-man and a vote that the liberals in the House can depend on and therefore could not risk losing. So, their best chance to hold the seat is with Kind. Our best chance at gaining the seat is with WI State Senator Dan Kapanke. Not only is he our best chance, he is one impressive candidate and offers us the best chance we have had in many election cycles! Dan is a leader. He is also a man of the people and of the community. Don't just take my word for it though, do your own research. I urge you to take a look at Senator Dan Kapanke's voting record, then compare it to Kind's. Read Dan's resume and his history with the Coulee Region. Finally, just listen to him speak and call to speak to him yourself! I have no doubt you will realize who best represents you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Free" Health Care is Taxing

This weekend, President Barack Obama appeared on numerous Sunday morning talk shows pushing his proposed Health Care Reform Bill. Obama stated he hasn't been playing his "best game" in getting his message out, as though it were simply his delivery and not the substance of the bill that makes an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to it! We are reading the bill, understanding the bill, and THAT is why we do not support it! His arrogance is only the beginning. Obama told two incredible lies about the plan this weekend. First, Obama continuously claims that his health care plan will not raise taxes. However, the Joint Committee on Taxation says an individual mandate requiring one to buy insurance IS a tax and WILL affect the middle-class. It is to be structured as a Penalty Exise Tax and it has been determined that it will indeed hit some with incomes of less than $200,000. Secondly, in addition to an increase in taxes, there will also be a decrease in Medicare coverage for seniors, which Obama also denies. The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan group, states that seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage would see their benefits cut in half. The Medicare Advantage plan holders would receive merely half the benefits under the new system than they do now. Furthermore, the Obama administration is seeking to impose "gag orders" on Insurance Companies in an attempt to prohibit them from informing customers on how the proposed Medicare cuts will affect them. All of this without any of the "transparency" we had been promised. The Senate Finance Committee rejected calls for putting the Senate Health Care Bill online for the public to read. In the House of Representatives, however, there is a bipartisan effort to require all legislation be made available online at least 72 hours before the vote. Call and e-mail Congressman Kind and Senators Kohl and Feingold. Tell them to slow down the push for health care reform. Encourage tranparency and online availabilty of all bills as well. In addition, talk with your friends, family, and co-workers and encourage them to speak out!
We can stop this bill!! YES WE CAN!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The money you could be saving with a Republican President!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today is Constitution Day.

Constitution Day. It isn't exactly one of the most widely known or deeply celebrated American holidays, yet this year it seems to be garnering more attention and more careful thought since perhaps its very writing. The perseverance of our nation depends entirely on our fidelity to this document. The Constitution is our fundamental law as written by the people. The Constitution is what all actions in this nation must reconcile with. This is why it was so frightening to so many when Barack Obama proclaimed in his inaugural address that it is his desire to "fundamentally change America." To fundamentally change America means to disregard the very principles our nation was founded on, and therefore, the Constitution itself. Not only must the Constitution be upheld, it must also be interpreted honestly and as intended. This belief is what makes one an Originalist. The founders were brilliant in their writing of a timeless document, as they understood the country would grow and change. However, whatever the change, the core principles of the Constitution would always remain applicable. This belief was standard and not even questioned until arose a theory, promoted by many liberals and activist judges, that the Constitution is actually a "living document" which has no set meaning, and is able to change and flow according to the times. This is simply not true. The words chosen in the Constitution are deliberate and the principles upon which it was written have been settled. The fact that we have such indelible standards is also what makes our country so successful. You may find that many liberals like to point out how young a nation the United States of America is. They use this as an argument to supposedly prove how ignorant we actually are when compared to much older nations, like those they revere so highly in Europe. The truth is, even though we are a very young nation, our Constitution is actually the oldest governing document for any country. So, while there are certainly countries older than ours, there is certainly NOT a more stable, and more tested, form of government. We ARE the standard bearer to freedom. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. To request your own copy of The Constitution of the United States, visit the Heritage Foundation.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/12 Tea Parties: March on Washington

As the old saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. The well over 1 million protestors who marched on our Nation's capitol on 9/12 spoke also for me. Indeed, they spoke for me and for countless others around the country who could not make the trip to Washington this Saturday. They marched to protest the speed at which our Government is growing, the dizzying increase of our national debt, the threat of suffocating taxes on small businesses, the push for Government run Health Care, and general discontent with the direction this Administration, and Congress, is taking our country. Of course, the media is trying to downplay the crowd, hide the undeniably high turnout, and even distort the intent of the protestors themselves. The media is attempting to tell us otherwise, however, the pictures speak for themselves. I urge you to take a look for yourself:

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11: National Day of Remembrance

Is has often been said that the good thing about America is that we move on and forget . . . and the bad thing about America is that we move on and forget. While it is amazing to realize our strength as a nation and our ability to overcome, we must not ever allow ourselves to forget the events of September 11, 2001 nor those that perished that fateful day. As I reflect on that day it now seems so long ago, yet at the same time I remember it as though it were only yesterday. In the news today, there is much discussion about President Obama and his first 9/11 as our Nation's leader and our Commander in Chief. I am not as interested in what he, or the media, says today, but instead what he himself said then, immediately following the country's worst attack in our history. Obama's statment was as follows,

"Beyond the immediate needs to improve security and dismantle organizations of destruction, lay the more difficult job of understanding the sources of such madness. There is a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers, and embittered children around the world, of which the seeds of discontent are sown in poverty, ignorance and despair."

Aside from the fact that he even released this statement as merely a state senator and lawyer, showcasing his obvious feelings of self-importance and boldly foreshadowing his ambitious future, I find fault with the content of the statement itself. Why was his immediate response a call to "understand" the terrorists? Could the statement of "embittered children" and "poverty, ignorance, and despair" be referencing the now all-too-familiar blame America first ideology? Was he, in essence, apologizing for America even then? Contrast his statement with then President Bush, when he declared from a mound of rubble at Ground Zero, "I hear you. The world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!" Straightforward, strong and with action. There is no reason to be nuanced and attempt to gain "understanding" as to why 3,000 Americans had just been violently killed. September 11th has been and should remain a day of resolve and somber reflection. It should be revered for all time as simply, 9/11. Those that perished that day should be honored and prayed for. September 11th should not be labeled anything else. It should be remembered solely for what happened that day and what it meant to our country and countrymen. However, now it is instead being called a "National Day of Service" as declared by President Obama. This calculated name change is an attempt for the left to claim 9/11 as theirs, and their intent is for Americans to forget about the true events of 9/11 and instead focus on being "productive" through liberal agendas, green activities, and the environmental movement. Whatever their vain attempts may be, I know that I will never forget. Don't allow yourself to forget the significance of this day either. Pause to remind yourself. Reflect and remember today and involve your family, friends, and children too. We need these discussions to secure in history, the truth. Now, "let's roll."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to The Trunk

How fitting it is that this Blog launches the day after President Obama's Health Care address to Congress, and the Nation. The address was simply an old campaign speech filled with empty promises, half-truths, careful choice of words, and yes, even outright lies. Joe Wilson received much criticism by spontaneously exclaiming, "You Lie!" during the President's speech, but wasn't that what we were all thinking or screaming at the television? The Trunk will be your place to receive the truth. You will also receive insight and opinions from Trempealeau County residents like yourself. This will be a place for you to find out about local issues, those that affect us immediately in Trempealeau County, State issues, such as the WI Gubernatorial candidates, and also National issues, those that affect us all as one people of this great nation. Thanks for visiting The Trunk, and please return to see all that is to come. . .