Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Free" Health Care is Taxing

This weekend, President Barack Obama appeared on numerous Sunday morning talk shows pushing his proposed Health Care Reform Bill. Obama stated he hasn't been playing his "best game" in getting his message out, as though it were simply his delivery and not the substance of the bill that makes an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to it! We are reading the bill, understanding the bill, and THAT is why we do not support it! His arrogance is only the beginning. Obama told two incredible lies about the plan this weekend. First, Obama continuously claims that his health care plan will not raise taxes. However, the Joint Committee on Taxation says an individual mandate requiring one to buy insurance IS a tax and WILL affect the middle-class. It is to be structured as a Penalty Exise Tax and it has been determined that it will indeed hit some with incomes of less than $200,000. Secondly, in addition to an increase in taxes, there will also be a decrease in Medicare coverage for seniors, which Obama also denies. The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan group, states that seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage would see their benefits cut in half. The Medicare Advantage plan holders would receive merely half the benefits under the new system than they do now. Furthermore, the Obama administration is seeking to impose "gag orders" on Insurance Companies in an attempt to prohibit them from informing customers on how the proposed Medicare cuts will affect them. All of this without any of the "transparency" we had been promised. The Senate Finance Committee rejected calls for putting the Senate Health Care Bill online for the public to read. In the House of Representatives, however, there is a bipartisan effort to require all legislation be made available online at least 72 hours before the vote. Call and e-mail Congressman Kind and Senators Kohl and Feingold. Tell them to slow down the push for health care reform. Encourage tranparency and online availabilty of all bills as well. In addition, talk with your friends, family, and co-workers and encourage them to speak out!
We can stop this bill!! YES WE CAN!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The money you could be saving with a Republican President!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today is Constitution Day.

Constitution Day. It isn't exactly one of the most widely known or deeply celebrated American holidays, yet this year it seems to be garnering more attention and more careful thought since perhaps its very writing. The perseverance of our nation depends entirely on our fidelity to this document. The Constitution is our fundamental law as written by the people. The Constitution is what all actions in this nation must reconcile with. This is why it was so frightening to so many when Barack Obama proclaimed in his inaugural address that it is his desire to "fundamentally change America." To fundamentally change America means to disregard the very principles our nation was founded on, and therefore, the Constitution itself. Not only must the Constitution be upheld, it must also be interpreted honestly and as intended. This belief is what makes one an Originalist. The founders were brilliant in their writing of a timeless document, as they understood the country would grow and change. However, whatever the change, the core principles of the Constitution would always remain applicable. This belief was standard and not even questioned until arose a theory, promoted by many liberals and activist judges, that the Constitution is actually a "living document" which has no set meaning, and is able to change and flow according to the times. This is simply not true. The words chosen in the Constitution are deliberate and the principles upon which it was written have been settled. The fact that we have such indelible standards is also what makes our country so successful. You may find that many liberals like to point out how young a nation the United States of America is. They use this as an argument to supposedly prove how ignorant we actually are when compared to much older nations, like those they revere so highly in Europe. The truth is, even though we are a very young nation, our Constitution is actually the oldest governing document for any country. So, while there are certainly countries older than ours, there is certainly NOT a more stable, and more tested, form of government. We ARE the standard bearer to freedom. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. To request your own copy of The Constitution of the United States, visit the Heritage Foundation.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/12 Tea Parties: March on Washington

As the old saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. The well over 1 million protestors who marched on our Nation's capitol on 9/12 spoke also for me. Indeed, they spoke for me and for countless others around the country who could not make the trip to Washington this Saturday. They marched to protest the speed at which our Government is growing, the dizzying increase of our national debt, the threat of suffocating taxes on small businesses, the push for Government run Health Care, and general discontent with the direction this Administration, and Congress, is taking our country. Of course, the media is trying to downplay the crowd, hide the undeniably high turnout, and even distort the intent of the protestors themselves. The media is attempting to tell us otherwise, however, the pictures speak for themselves. I urge you to take a look for yourself:

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11: National Day of Remembrance

Is has often been said that the good thing about America is that we move on and forget . . . and the bad thing about America is that we move on and forget. While it is amazing to realize our strength as a nation and our ability to overcome, we must not ever allow ourselves to forget the events of September 11, 2001 nor those that perished that fateful day. As I reflect on that day it now seems so long ago, yet at the same time I remember it as though it were only yesterday. In the news today, there is much discussion about President Obama and his first 9/11 as our Nation's leader and our Commander in Chief. I am not as interested in what he, or the media, says today, but instead what he himself said then, immediately following the country's worst attack in our history. Obama's statment was as follows,

"Beyond the immediate needs to improve security and dismantle organizations of destruction, lay the more difficult job of understanding the sources of such madness. There is a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers, and embittered children around the world, of which the seeds of discontent are sown in poverty, ignorance and despair."

Aside from the fact that he even released this statement as merely a state senator and lawyer, showcasing his obvious feelings of self-importance and boldly foreshadowing his ambitious future, I find fault with the content of the statement itself. Why was his immediate response a call to "understand" the terrorists? Could the statement of "embittered children" and "poverty, ignorance, and despair" be referencing the now all-too-familiar blame America first ideology? Was he, in essence, apologizing for America even then? Contrast his statement with then President Bush, when he declared from a mound of rubble at Ground Zero, "I hear you. The world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!" Straightforward, strong and with action. There is no reason to be nuanced and attempt to gain "understanding" as to why 3,000 Americans had just been violently killed. September 11th has been and should remain a day of resolve and somber reflection. It should be revered for all time as simply, 9/11. Those that perished that day should be honored and prayed for. September 11th should not be labeled anything else. It should be remembered solely for what happened that day and what it meant to our country and countrymen. However, now it is instead being called a "National Day of Service" as declared by President Obama. This calculated name change is an attempt for the left to claim 9/11 as theirs, and their intent is for Americans to forget about the true events of 9/11 and instead focus on being "productive" through liberal agendas, green activities, and the environmental movement. Whatever their vain attempts may be, I know that I will never forget. Don't allow yourself to forget the significance of this day either. Pause to remind yourself. Reflect and remember today and involve your family, friends, and children too. We need these discussions to secure in history, the truth. Now, "let's roll."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to The Trunk

How fitting it is that this Blog launches the day after President Obama's Health Care address to Congress, and the Nation. The address was simply an old campaign speech filled with empty promises, half-truths, careful choice of words, and yes, even outright lies. Joe Wilson received much criticism by spontaneously exclaiming, "You Lie!" during the President's speech, but wasn't that what we were all thinking or screaming at the television? The Trunk will be your place to receive the truth. You will also receive insight and opinions from Trempealeau County residents like yourself. This will be a place for you to find out about local issues, those that affect us immediately in Trempealeau County, State issues, such as the WI Gubernatorial candidates, and also National issues, those that affect us all as one people of this great nation. Thanks for visiting The Trunk, and please return to see all that is to come. . .