Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Free" Health Care is Taxing

This weekend, President Barack Obama appeared on numerous Sunday morning talk shows pushing his proposed Health Care Reform Bill. Obama stated he hasn't been playing his "best game" in getting his message out, as though it were simply his delivery and not the substance of the bill that makes an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to it! We are reading the bill, understanding the bill, and THAT is why we do not support it! His arrogance is only the beginning. Obama told two incredible lies about the plan this weekend. First, Obama continuously claims that his health care plan will not raise taxes. However, the Joint Committee on Taxation says an individual mandate requiring one to buy insurance IS a tax and WILL affect the middle-class. It is to be structured as a Penalty Exise Tax and it has been determined that it will indeed hit some with incomes of less than $200,000. Secondly, in addition to an increase in taxes, there will also be a decrease in Medicare coverage for seniors, which Obama also denies. The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan group, states that seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage would see their benefits cut in half. The Medicare Advantage plan holders would receive merely half the benefits under the new system than they do now. Furthermore, the Obama administration is seeking to impose "gag orders" on Insurance Companies in an attempt to prohibit them from informing customers on how the proposed Medicare cuts will affect them. All of this without any of the "transparency" we had been promised. The Senate Finance Committee rejected calls for putting the Senate Health Care Bill online for the public to read. In the House of Representatives, however, there is a bipartisan effort to require all legislation be made available online at least 72 hours before the vote. Call and e-mail Congressman Kind and Senators Kohl and Feingold. Tell them to slow down the push for health care reform. Encourage tranparency and online availabilty of all bills as well. In addition, talk with your friends, family, and co-workers and encourage them to speak out!
We can stop this bill!! YES WE CAN!!!

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