Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Supreme Court Election is Critical

~by Valerie Pierzina

While non-partisan, Spring Elections typically garner low turn-out and lack of attention, I would like to remind the voters in Trempealeau County how critical Supreme Court elections are. This election is particularly important as it will determine the direction of our court, and state, because this election represents the swing vote on the court. Depending on the outcome of this single race, the court will either move to the left with liberal jurists who attempt to legislate from the bench or it will be kept it in the hands of constructionists that adhere to the constitution of both our state and nation. With this election, there is the potential for major impact on property owners and rural living, with farmers especially affected. Given our county’s large rural and agricultural community, I would imagine this is a real concern. Property owners and farmers are in danger of losing control of their own land management if the court swings liberal. DNR regulation, eminent domain, local control of zoning, and environmental causes are all real threats that property owners may face with a liberally influenced court. Traditional family values would be under attack with a liberal leaning court too. Traditional marriage, respect for life, school choice, freedom of religion, and 2nd Amendment Rights will all be fair game for new interpretation. Given our area’s strong family systems, belief in traditional values, and high church-going population these are issues we typically seek to protect. I ask you to not only vote on Tuesday, April 5th, but I also plead with you to recognize the importance of this election and to become an informed voter! I realize emotions are running high in our state right now, but do not rely on outlandish attack ads, leaders of third party special interest groups, talking heads on television, or politicians to make your decision for you. Rather, vote your own values! Investigate the records of each candidate for yourself and make your own determination based on the issues that are important to you and the experience and credentials that each candidate has. This election is every bit as important as the November election was, I encourage you to participate in it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Collective Bargaining is not a Right"

~by Deloras Vind

Collective bargaining for public employees is not a right. Collective bargaining is a privilege, a benefit, a collection of work rules, it is a special power granted by the legislature to some government unions. These rules are often negotiated to the detriment of taxpayers who are being swindled by a system in which their interests come second. The unions use coerced dues and over priced health insurance moneys to elect officials who in turn grant the unions even more power.

A few examples of the insanity of collective bargaining benefits to Wisconsin public employees:

1. On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect overtime if they work a shift on the exact same day. Cost to Wisconsin taxpayers $4.8 million.

2. Management is not allowed to schedule workers based on operational needs. Unions require notice and approval prior to employee scheduling changes. Government cannot explore privatization of functions that could save taxpayers money.

3. Many school districts participate in WEA trust which is a union run cadillac health insurance plan. Union leadership benefits from members participating in this over priced plan. Wisconsin school districts could save up to up to $68 million per year by changing to the State plan. Even more could be saved if districts shopped around per flexibility of the Budget Repair Bill.

4. Employment based on seniority rather than performance. Employees laid off may bump less senior employees. Several years ago, bumping led to five employees moving into different positions at the Trempealeau County Courthouse, each having to learn new jobs. This decreases government efficiency to the community and increases costs.

5. Retirement is based on average of last three years pay. Employees game the system by working overtime, adding state programs to base wage, etc to stack retirement benefits.

Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill does not infringe on public employees right to associate and lobby government. It does give public employees freedom to choose not to join a union and be able keep their job at the same time. It tells government unions to collect their own union dues instead of using the power of the state to withhold them directly from employee paychecks. It stops the entitlement mentality of collective bargaining and restores sanity to government for the taxpayer.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Know Your WI Supreme Court Candidates!



JUSTICE DAVID PROSSER Legal Experience – positions held

(taken from www.justiceprosser.com)

- Supreme Court Justice for 12 years and published more than 900 Supreme Court decisions

- Served in the state Assembly for 18 years

- Served as Outagamie Co. District Attorney

- Attorney/advisor in the Office of Criminal Justice for the US Dept. of Justice in Washington D.C.

- Legislative Member of the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws

- Served on Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission

....... AND MORE!

JOANNE KLOPPENBURG Legal Experience – positions held

(taken from www.kloppenburgforjustice.com)

- Worked for Department of Justice since 1989

as prosecutor and litigator.

- While in college, interned with Justice Shirley Abrahamson and later a law clerk for a district court.

- Member of Legal Association for Women



(taken from Justice Prosser's web site)

5 previous Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices,

77 members of the state senate/assembly,

95 judges state wide,

60 sheriffs and district attorneys

18 previous state Bar presidents,

28 past/current court clerks


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wausau Herald, Physicians for Responsible Government, Wisconsin Restaurant Association,

Wisconsin Realtors Association, Wisconsin Builders Association,




(taken from Kloppenburg's web site)

5 members of state senate/assembly, 10 judges state wide, 11 miscellaneous elected officials (supervisors etc..)

1 court clerk


Marathon County Sheriffs Superviors Association (a union)

This election should be based on records, credentials, experience, and qualifications-
NOT on promises of judicial activism.
Make an informed decision and
VOTE on Tuesday, April 5th.

VOTE for Justice David Prosser, April 5th

Create an account on voterneighbor.com and select the proper Prosser area code. You can access phone numbers to call through this site and make calls for Prosser's re-election right from home! Or, you can contact The Republican Party of Trempealeau County for a hard-copy list to work from. Justice David Prosser is a brilliant jurist and it is critical he be re-elected! He is running on his vast experience, record of excellence, and impressive credentials. His opponent, has NO credentials and NO experience! Please consider helping the Prosser campaign today and spread the word by asking your neighbors, family, and friends, to Vote for Justice David Prosser on Tuesday, April 5th!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not being represented in Madison

~by Kay Evenson, Galesville

I am angry that the constituents of the 31st Senate District of Wisconsin are not being represented in Madison. Our Senator Kathleen Vinehout seems to think a vacation in Illinois is better than going to work in Madison and voicing the concerns of her constituents. She was elected by taxpayers to do a job yet she thinks fleeing the state is somehow noble and a fun thing to do.My Representative Chris Danou did show up for work in the assembly but his actions of throwing papers and water at republican representatives during a floor session is inexcusable and would have be considered disorderly conduct if it was done by a protester. As a former law enforcement officer he should be ashamed of himself and apologize to the entire Assembly for his bad behavior. Debate and discussion is the heart of democracy. Throwing fits during sessions or running away like a spoiled child because you disagree with an issue is an insult to all the hard working people in the districts of these lawmakers who pay their salaries. It is our money and we demand better representation than that. Call Representative Danou at 608-266-7015 or email him at Rep.Danou@legis.wisconsin.govand demand he apologize to the Assembly and to the constituents of the 91st District. Call Sen. Vinehout at 608-266-8546 or email her at Sen.Vinehout@legis.wiscosin.gov and tell her to get back to Madison and represent us. No matter how you feel on the budget repair bill, she needs to be in Madison to let our voices be heard.