Thursday, June 30, 2011

There is no free lunch!

-by Deloras Vind

“There is no free lunch”. Beginning in the 1850’s taverns advertised free lunches given to those who bought liquid libation at their establishment. The price of the food was paid for by naive patrons through higher prices for beer. I’d guess alcohol in the brain leads to mushy, muddled thinking to believe you’d get something for nothing. So it goes with”free handouts” or higher taxes for business, mushy heads think it is free. The catch is you pay more and you loose your freedoms.

Today, these free lunches are government entitlements and handouts to buy votes. Someone pays for overpriced union health insurance, public union membership compulsion and ensuing fees, and increased government regulation of your choices. Can you say mercury light bulbs, job killing green energy mandates and Obamacare waivers? Well guess what, you and I pay more in taxes, hidden fees, loss of economic freedoms, and loss of private property protections.

Don’t be suckered by thinking you are getting something for nothing – there’s no such thing as a free lunch. This 4th of July take some time to reflect on the cost of your liberty and freedom.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Politics & Pints: JUNE

Join us at Politics & Pints, this SATURDAY at Red's Peanut Bar in Arcadia. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Parade Charade

by Valerie Pierzina
At the first official parade of the season, Arcadia’s Broiler Days parade, it was evident that this is not your normal “non-election” year in Wisconsin politics. With tensions running high and ridiculous recalls looming, at the hefty expense of taxpayers I might add, politicians are out in full force to perfect their images as all things sunshine and roses.
Senator Vinehout was present, busy pandering the parade route with an adorable, although borrowed, dog. It was nice to see our Senator back in the state, the state that she was elected to represent, having returned from her glorified temper-tantrum/union-funded vacation in Illinois.
Speaking of temper-tantrums, our Assemblyman Chris Danou was at the parade too, and I must say, it was a pleasure to see him on his best behavior, throwing candy to children instead of a fit, like the water thrown at his peers in the Assembly. It was also refreshing to see him wave hellos and exclaim pleasant greetings along the parade route, rather than pointing fingers and screaming “Shame, Shame, Shame!” at his Republican counterparts.
And, from what I could tell, both Vinehout and Danou were in their own clothes, instead of their union issued garb, you know, those matching colored t-shirts of “solidarity.” Nothing like being visually branded to make clear to the world just who owns you and your party, in case there was ever any doubt.
Finally, Congressman Ron Kind was there too, handing out his traditional “Be ‘Kind’ to Kids” stickers, a cute play on words that would be a whole lot cuter had he not supported every single pro-abortion measure ever brought before him, including continuing tax payer funded abortions at Planned Parenthood, both at home and abroad.
And so, with parade season just getting underway, please do not forget the abhorrent and juvenile behavior of our elected Democrat representatives. The behavior that was organic to them, not calculated and contrived as these parade appearances are. Do not be lured in with free candy, cute puppies, and fake smiles. These tokens are merely representations of the handouts Democrats promise to so many, but fail to deliver on so often. Do not feel entitled to anything from our elected officials, other than the truth- and the truth is the thing that they are least willing to give.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trempealeau County Supreme Court Recount Results

Trempealeau County Board Chairman Wally Geske stated the following in a letter about the recount demanded by Joanne Kloppenburg for Wisconsin Supreme Court: "The recent Wisconsin Supreme Court recount in Trempealeau County resulted in a zero "0" change. This should give citizens of Trempealeau County confidence in our elections and is a credit to Paul Syverson and his dedicated poll workers. Congratulations on a job well done. Even though there were no changes in the final count, there were ramifications. It took 10 workers three and one-half days to complete the task. It cost the taxpayers of the county $3,402.05. Thank you Ms Kloppenburg for adding this to our county budget."