Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bum Rush

Last week, Conservative Radio Talk Show Host, Rush Limbaugh was dropped from a group that was looking to buy the St. Louis Rams NFL franchise. Rush was to be a limited partner but was cut out from the group entirely after pressure from the NFL Player's Union and threats of protest from the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. This blatant blacklisting, solely due to personal beliefs, ought to give every American regardless of political affiliation, cause for concern. The fact that a law-abiding American citizen with the necessary means and financial backing was not allowed to purchase something for sale because of his political beliefs is outrageous and frankly, not the America I know. Is this not a free market? Are we not capitalists? Are we not tolerant of individual freedoms and personal expression? There in lies the double-standard. What would have happened if the controversial and liberal hip-hop star Kanye West was denied the right to purchase a football team due to his outrageous comments? We would hear cries of racism with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leading the way. Or, how about NBA Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban? He financially backed an anti-american "9-11 Truther" movie. Is that not controversial? Finally, why is the left-wing political hack and MSNBC host, Keith Obermann allowed to be the frontman for NBC's NFL Football Night in America while the right-wing Rush is not allowed to own a team? Since when is it appropriate and acceptable to judge someone for their political affiliation? This stunt was nothing more than a desperate move to keep Conservatism out of mainstream America. Afterall, what is more American and mainstream than NFL Football? The irony is, with this transparent attempt to keep Rush out of the mainstream, even more attention was given to him and the Conservative movement. The refusal and lies told about him only creates more unity. Conservatives will rally around Rush!

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