Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Supreme Court Election is Critical

~by Valerie Pierzina

While non-partisan, Spring Elections typically garner low turn-out and lack of attention, I would like to remind the voters in Trempealeau County how critical Supreme Court elections are. This election is particularly important as it will determine the direction of our court, and state, because this election represents the swing vote on the court. Depending on the outcome of this single race, the court will either move to the left with liberal jurists who attempt to legislate from the bench or it will be kept it in the hands of constructionists that adhere to the constitution of both our state and nation. With this election, there is the potential for major impact on property owners and rural living, with farmers especially affected. Given our county’s large rural and agricultural community, I would imagine this is a real concern. Property owners and farmers are in danger of losing control of their own land management if the court swings liberal. DNR regulation, eminent domain, local control of zoning, and environmental causes are all real threats that property owners may face with a liberally influenced court. Traditional family values would be under attack with a liberal leaning court too. Traditional marriage, respect for life, school choice, freedom of religion, and 2nd Amendment Rights will all be fair game for new interpretation. Given our area’s strong family systems, belief in traditional values, and high church-going population these are issues we typically seek to protect. I ask you to not only vote on Tuesday, April 5th, but I also plead with you to recognize the importance of this election and to become an informed voter! I realize emotions are running high in our state right now, but do not rely on outlandish attack ads, leaders of third party special interest groups, talking heads on television, or politicians to make your decision for you. Rather, vote your own values! Investigate the records of each candidate for yourself and make your own determination based on the issues that are important to you and the experience and credentials that each candidate has. This election is every bit as important as the November election was, I encourage you to participate in it.

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