Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Supreme Court Recount: Trempealeau County

The recount for the WI Supreme Court Race between Justice David Prosser and Joanne Kloppenburg begins Wednesday. Those that would like to help oversee the recount in Trempealeau County, should report to the Trempealeau County Courthouse in Whitehall at the County Board Room tomorrow morning.

The schedule for recount is as follows:

9:00am-Noon (Start)

Noon-1:00 (Lunch Break)

1:00-4:30 (Resume)

The recount will resume on Thursday and Friday, if necessary, at the same times. The Trempealeau County recount should be complete by Friday. The deadline given for the statewide recount is May 9th.

Incumbent Justice David Prosser won the election by 7,316 votes over challenger Joanne Kloppenburg. Prosser declared victory on April 18th after official state canvassing was complete. Kloppenburg decided to request a taxpayer funded recount. The cost of this recount is estimated to be a minimum of $575,000. The largest number of votes ever recovered during a recount in Wisconsin was 489.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gov. Walker's First 100 Days

~by Sherry Nelson

As a taxpayer, lifelong Wisconsinite, policeman’s daughter, and mother of two young children, I am concerned by Mr. Danou’s and Ms. Vinehout’s constant attacks on Governor Walker. I stand proudly with Gov. Walker and applaud his efforts to make the necessary cuts to keep Wisconsin open for business.

Ms. Vinehout’s recent letter printed in the Blair Press contained several negative constituent excerpts in response to Governor Walker’s Budget. Naturally, the responses she used were largely from state and union workers or people working for small town local government. Ms. Vinehout is not accurately portraying her constituency. Not one excerpt hailed Gov. Walker’s budget, and yet there are many of her constituents who do.

Serious cuts do need to be made. However, I understand in order to fix our great state and nation, sacrifices need to be made too. Simply and practically stated, many groups need to learn to live with less. There are some wonderful programs out there, but right now Wisconsin needs to focus on repairing and growing the state economy by whatever means necessary. Gov. Walker does not make decisions lightly, nor does he make them maliciously.

Below are a few accomplishments from Scott Walker’s first 100 days taken directly from the www.Wisconsin.gov website. It is quite impressive.

  • 13,000 Private Sector Jobs Created in January and February including 8,200 Manufacturing Jobs
  • Executive Order: Creation of the Commission on Government Waste, Fraud, and Abuse to Help Save $300 Million
  • Elimination of State Taxes on Health Savings Accounts
  • Reform of Wisconsin’s Litigation Climate
  • Relocation and Economic Development Tax Credit Legislation
  • Tax Relief for Wisconsin’s Job Creators: Small Businesses
  • Transforming the Department of Commerce into Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
  • Supermajority for Passage of Tax Increase Legislation
  • Right-Sizing State Government with Modest Requests on State Pension, Health Care
  • Balancing Wisconsin’s FY 2011 Budget
  • Proposed Budget that Balances $3.6 Billion Deficit and Reduces the Structural Deficit to Lowest Point in Recent History
  • Applied to Upgrade Hiawatha Rail Line
  • Introduced Online Brownbag Lunches so Constituents Can Hear Directly from the Governor
  • Introduced 3rd Grade Reading Taskforce: “Read to Lead” to Make Sure Every Wisconsin 3rd Grader Can Read at Grade Level

As a member of the silent majority (the Republican party), I urge fellow conservatives to become active members of the democratic process, as Mr. Danou suggested in a previous letter. Let Sen. Vinehout and Rep. Danou hear your voices too. We need to effectively communicate our support for Gov. Walker and political solidarity to our legislators to encourage equal and fair representation, not merely the one-sided bias that has been overtly portrayed in the local newspapers.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Politics & Pints is an informational social gathering where people can come and talk politics and current events over a beer and good food. Meet like-minded conservative friends, new and old. At Politics & Pints it is not taboo to talk politics! Hope to see you at the Welcome Bar in Independence this Saturday! Bring a friend.... New members always welcome.

3rd District GOP Tailgate Party!

La Crosse Loggers Opening Day

Saturday, June 4th

4:00pm Tailgate

6:05 pm Game time

$25.00 per person

Show your support for GOP Senators Dan Kapanke and Sheila Harsdorf as they face possible recall elections. GAME ON!!! Let's Play Ball!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

WI TEA Party Rally with SARAH PALIN!

~Wisconsin Taxpayers TEA Party Rally~

Americans For Prosperity & other WI Patriot Groups!!

Sarah Palin to be keynote speaker!!! ~

Date: Saturday, April 16

Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Location: State Capitol Madison, WI ~

More Info.......

Sarah Palin!!! http://www.sarahpac.com/

John Fund - Wall Street Journal http://topics.wsj.com/person/f/john-fund/5467

The Beautiful Man -James T Harris(emcee) http://jamestharris.com/

Rock Star of Radio - Vicki McKenna https://www.facebook.com/vickimckennapage

Tony Katz & Pajamas Media http://allpatriotsmedia.com/

Vocalist Chuck Day http://www.chuckday.com/

American Thinker - Josiah Cantrell http://www.americanthinker.com/josiah_cantrall/

...more to come!


*If you'd like to volunteer, please shoot us an email at: teapartymadisonvolunteer@gmail.com

Friday, April 1, 2011

Support Justice David Prosser

~by Kim Low

Supreme Court Judge David Prosser is up for re-election on Tuesday, April 5th. It’s an important seat for WI Supreme Court. Honorary Judge Prosser is known to be moderate in his opinions and uses the Wisconsin Constitution when ruling on each case. It is important to the people of Wisconsin that he retains this seat.

David Prosser was born in Chicago and grew up in Appleton, WI. He was appointed by Governor Tommy Thompson in 1998 and was then elected in 2001. His term is up this year, but his experience and track record of serving the people of Wisconsin is extraordinary. For example: Outagamie County DA, WI State Assembly for the Appleton area, six years as Assembly minority leader and two years as Assembly Speaker, member of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and before joining the Supreme Court, Justice Prosser served on the WI Tax Appeals Commission. He has the experience necessary to ensure the rights of the people of Wisconsin are upheld.

I believe Judge Prosser is a Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge that will be willing to assist our newly elected representatives to get things done, allowed by our State Constitution, instead of hindering the change that is necessary to get Wisconsin back on track quickly. Wisconsin is currently ranked in the top 10 of the 50 states with the highest debt per capita and we need to get this under control now.

Please vote on Tuesday, April 5th, to keep Judge Prosser in Wisconsin!

Write in Anthony Nelson for G-E-T School Board

~by Kim Low

Whose interests are best served by the current District Superintendent and G-E-T School Board? I would submit it is neither yours nor mine. Due to the obvious ethical deficiencies, inherent in situations concerning nepotism, the tax payer is, at a minimum, under represented. There are members of the District Board who have relatives who either are teaching or working for the school district in some other capacity. When school was canceled due to a high volume of “sick” teachers on February 17th, do you think the board would take disciplinary action towards those teachers who traveled to Madison, rather than to stay and teach our children? Why should they? Their spouses and other family members are on the payroll. Look at the staff directory on the G-E-T website.

Dr. Grace was questioned if there was a policy in place for teachers and staff who falsely call in sick, and he claimed there isn’t one. He was asked for a list of teachers who called in sick on February 17th, but he said that list does not exist. The verbiage is such that, even with open request policies it is very difficult to get information from our particular district. One of the At-Large Board Members seat is up for election Tuesday April 5th. That seat is currently held by Paul Halderson, the farmer with a 2000-head dairy operation. While Mr. Halderson makes great contributions to the community, how can we expect him to be objective with a wife and daughter both teaching in the district.

According to Board Member Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy # 165, Board Members shall:

5. Render all decisions based on the available facts and my independent judgment, and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups; And,

13. Avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest.

It would seem that Mr. Halderson has two priorities before that of the district students and taxpayers. What is needed is someone who has no family members on the district payroll. We need someone who will not potentially encourage his wife and daughter to call in sick to attend protests in Madison. The responsibility of the School Board and Superintendent lies with the taxpayers and students. How can we expect Mr. Halderson to uphold his obligations to us when members of his immediate family are on the payroll of the district?

I am asking you to write in a concerned parent, Anthony Nelson, for this elected position. Anthony will put G-E-T’s children first, including two of his own. Anthony is a hardworking taxpayer just like you. He is a concerned, intelligent citizen who makes informed and well researched decisions. As a computer programmer, he brings a technical edge to the table. As a father, he brings student perspective.

Anthony is also frustrated by board decisions, including the bussing of several town (Galesville) children to Ettrick (his eldest daughter being one of them). He is frustrated by the methodologies in which money is sought through referendum after referendum. Did you know that between 1998 and 2008, Wisconsin doubled the amount of money spent per pupil, yet proficiency went unchanged? Anthony Nelson wants to help to correct that, starting in his own community, with his children and yours.

Anthony is a solid candidate that will breathe new life into an otherwise stagnant board.

He may ruffle some feathers, but more importantly, he will listen. Please help to elect a fresh-ideas guy, a well-informed father, and a fiscally pragmatic citizen to the G-E-T School Board on Tuesday April 5th. Write in Anthony Nelson.