LaCrosse Phone (608) 782-5585
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Feingold Undecided on Health Care Bill by Deloras Vind
LaCrosse Phone (608) 782-5585
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Palin at Mall of America by Diane Reid
I got my book signed by 1:00 pm. The crowd was friendly, polite and enthusiastic for the opportunity. I must give a special thanks to the Mall of America staff for the way they organized this event. Logistics were smooth all around. They even handed out free bottled water around 9:00 am when most people were in line, waiting. They handed out the water and then came back with trash bags to collect the trash. The whole MOA staff were courteous, ready to answer any question and they all had smiles on their faces, even the security staff. I had no idea that some jerk threw tomatoes during the event. I did not see it happen. I am glad I went and had a great time!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Kill the Bill
The 2074 page Health Care Reform Bill:
Contact WI Senators:
Senator Herb Kohl
(202) 224-5653
Senator Russ Feingold
(202) 224-5323
Contact all the Senators you can, especially those on the fence:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Lindsey Graham questions Eric Holder
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is a Senator I disagree with often. However, this time he is right on target. Lindsey Graham's background includes being a member of the United States Air Force, where he served as Judge Advocate during the Gulf War. His job was to debrief pilots on the laws of war. Lindsey Graham thoroughly understands the topic. The questions he put to Attorney General Eric Holder are alarming, but of very real possibility! By trying accused terrorists in criminal court rather than military tribunals would they require a reading of miranda rights? If said rights were not given, would they go free on a technicality? Do they have the right to remain silent, where members of our military cannot interrogate them for vital information? If they choose to represent themselves, will all the secret information and evidence be available for the suspected terrorists to review? What happens if they are found innocent by a jury (as in the case of OJ Simpson) or there is a procedural error (as in the case of Bill Ayers)? President Barack Obama has already accused the US military of torture, will this be used in their own defense? There are so many questions, and so many fears, but very few answers offered by Eric Holder or the Obama Administration. My main question is, why are accused terrorists being considered to receive Constitutional rights and civil liberties while Patriotic American Citizens are being asked to give up theirs? Furthermore, just how does this make Americans safer?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sarah Palin: "Wisconsin has gone Rogue"
Thursday, November 12, 2009
WISCONSIN: The "Big Ten"
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thanks to all those who served in the Armed Forces. Thank You to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corp Veterans. The National Guard, Coast Guard, Reservists, and all uniform personnel whose job is to protect and serve this country and its people. God Bless.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tiptoeing thru Terrorism
This attack was a frightening wake up call for many Americans. Most people immediately questioned the possible implications of a Muslim American Soldier attacking his own US Military Base. Was this homegrown terror? How could someone like this become a ranking member of the US military? Is there a terror network working on the inside? With so many questions, Americans tuned into the television, searching for answers, only to discover a timid and cautious news media concerned more with political correctness than straightforward reporting. The Internet was a much more reliable source of the information people sought. The news media seemed reluctant to even release the shooter's name, much less confirm his Muslim religion. Martha Radaatz of ABC news stated on air, "I wish his name was Smith" while CBS and NBC failed to note his Muslim religion altogether. Anchors, like Chris Matthews of MSNBC, cautioned the public not to "jump to conclusions" based on the man's ethnicity and religion. Even when it was reported that Hasan shouted, "Allahu Akbar" (or 'God is Great" in Arabic), the common cry of suicide bombers and terrorists, the media failed to point the blame fully at him or explore the possible implications of his battle cry. It didn't take long before the shooter himself actually became the victim through the eyes of the media. Hasan was stressed from his work as a military psychologist. He was depressed from listening to horrible stories of the troops returning home from war. He was teased and ridiculed by his fellow military for being Arabic and Muslim. Can you believe, the same soldiers who were attacked actually assumed blame!?! Never mind that Hasan had Internet postings sympathizing with suicide bombers, "To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause," nor that he was quoted as saying, "Muslims should stand up and fight their aggressor."
After receiving a lecture on diversity and a scolding for profiling by the liberal media, it was refreshing to listen to Conservative talk radio and read the blogs the next day to find people calling the act exactly what it was, Terrorism. So there were people who reacted as I did after all! Laura Ingraham stated without hesitation, "This was the first terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11." Finally, the truth, or at least an open dialogue of that scary possibility. Senator Joe Lieberman, too, called the Fort Hood massacre, "a terrorist act" and Hasan himself, an "Islamic Extremist." Joe Lieberman (I) chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee and has pledged to initiate a formal investigation into the attack to find any warning signs the army should have recognized. I will be interested to see, just how much this investigation exposes, both about Hasan himself and the possibility of more like him, and just what the military has to endure in regards to political correctness, sensitivity, and diversity. As much as the liberal media wants to deny it, Islamic Extremism is real. There are people who hate us and want to kill us, solely for being American. We have a true enemy and our war efforts are warranted. However, one must first admit there is a problem before one can begin to solve the problem. Thankfully, Joe Lieberman, talk radio, and bloggers immediately identified the problem. The old media is, predictably, still in denial though, offering little hope they are about to change.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
County Board Update - November 6, 2009 – by Deloras Vind
-$200,000 Managed Care Organization expense
-$280,000 shortfall in Unified Board/Human Services
-12% increase in health insurance rates for employees, a $287,700 increase
-3% wage increase for county employees
-$65,000 decrease in sales tax income
-decrease in new construction
-decrease in state revenue sharing of 2% or $26,723
-decrease in the fund balance sheet
-decrease in revenues from fees etc. in various county department
-decrease in state aids
-The need to balance the budget at county level and keep a healthy general fund
The Executive/Finance committee has been working to keep the tax levy to 1.44% increase which is the rate of new growth in the county. They see large budget shortfalls looming for several years in the future. They are recommending the board cut about eleven county employee positions. Human Services will absorb Senior Services and the Health Department to increase efficiency, not cut programs to Trempealeau County residents. This is a difficult and unpopular decision the Executive/Finance members have made. The County Board will vote November 10th.
It has to be mentioned that our Assembly Representative Chris Danou and State Senator Kathleen Vinehout voted to decrease state funding to the county by 2%, plus decrease funding to various departments such as Human Services. They stuck the county with their problems. Yet they voted to increase the over all state budget spending leaving a $2.3 billion deficit for the state. Plus they voted for a property tax increase of $1.5 billion. The county employee health insurance is through the state of Wisconsin , which raised the insurance rates for the county employee’s cadillac health insurance this year by 12% (last year it was an 8% increase) or $287,700 - this amount equals the maximum amount the county can raise the budget! By-the-way, one health insurance perk for county employees is they pay no deductibles. The 3% wage increase for county employees is due to a three year contract of 3% increase per year the county board approved with the union and employees in 2008 (mine was the lone NO vote).
I agree with the Finance/Executive committee recommendations. We need a smaller more efficient county government. The third largest employer in Trempealeau County is the County! It can be done, but as in all politics the tax payer must hold elected officials accountable.
The 2010 Budget hearing is November 10, 2009 at 10AM. Contact information for the County Board is at click on “ County Board ” on the left hand side of the screen.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Politics as Usual
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Bum Rush
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Not my Kind
Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Free" Health Care is Taxing
We can stop this bill!! YES WE CAN!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Today is Constitution Day.
Monday, September 14, 2009
9/12 Tea Parties: March on Washington
Friday, September 11, 2009
9/11: National Day of Remembrance
Is has often been said that the good thing about America is that we move on and forget . . . and the bad thing about America is that we move on and forget. While it is amazing to realize our strength as a nation and our ability to overcome, we must not ever allow ourselves to forget the events of September 11, 2001 nor those that perished that fateful day. As I reflect on that day it now seems so long ago, yet at the same time I remember it as though it were only yesterday. In the news today, there is much discussion about President Obama and his first 9/11 as our Nation's leader and our Commander in Chief. I am not as interested in what he, or the media, says today, but instead what he himself said then, immediately following the country's worst attack in our history. Obama's statment was as follows,
"Beyond the immediate needs to improve security and dismantle organizations of destruction, lay the more difficult job of understanding the sources of such madness. There is a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers, and embittered children around the world, of which the seeds of discontent are sown in poverty, ignorance and despair."
Aside from the fact that he even released this statement as merely a state senator and lawyer, showcasing his obvious feelings of self-importance and boldly foreshadowing his ambitious future, I find fault with the content of the statement itself. Why was his immediate response a call to "understand" the terrorists? Could the statement of "embittered children" and "poverty, ignorance, and despair" be referencing the now all-too-familiar blame America first ideology? Was he, in essence, apologizing for America even then? Contrast his statement with then President Bush, when he declared from a mound of rubble at Ground Zero, "I hear you. The world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!" Straightforward, strong and with action. There is no reason to be nuanced and attempt to gain "understanding" as to why 3,000 Americans had just been violently killed. September 11th has been and should remain a day of resolve and somber reflection. It should be revered for all time as simply, 9/11. Those that perished that day should be honored and prayed for. September 11th should not be labeled anything else. It should be remembered solely for what happened that day and what it meant to our country and countrymen. However, now it is instead being called a "National Day of Service" as declared by President Obama. This calculated name change is an attempt for the left to claim 9/11 as theirs, and their intent is for Americans to forget about the true events of 9/11 and instead focus on being "productive" through liberal agendas, green activities, and the environmental movement. Whatever their vain attempts may be, I know that I will never forget. Don't allow yourself to forget the significance of this day either. Pause to remind yourself. Reflect and remember today and involve your family, friends, and children too. We need these discussions to secure in history, the truth. Now, "let's roll."